Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Break A Losing Streak?

  1. Once you know your own style, start watching some professional tennis on TV or in person. This is not necessary but it can be a very helpful step. Look at where the pros hit and the tactics they use. Obviously you won't be able to use the same plays to perfection but it can put some ideas in your head.
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    Next, sign up for a tournament! Be sure to practice every day leading up to it, possibly at the same courts that the tournament will be played on.
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    Now your actual match has begun. Use the warm-up wisely!! Test all of the opponents strokes (forehand, backhand, volleys). Hit some balls up the middle and see which stroke they choose to hit. This can tell you what their favorite shot is, so keep in mind that it is probably their strength.
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    If you win the toss, choose to receive first, unless your serve is particularly strong. This will give you a chance to play some points without the added pressure of trying to hold serve.
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    Be consistent. Even if your style is an aggressor, don't go for a knockout winner on every shot. You can easily donate the match to your opponent before you know it. Use topspin to hit deep and set up points, always directing balls to your opponent's weakness if possible. Chances are they will miss if you get enough balls back so don't always try to be like Roddick.
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    If you're down in the score, try some new things. Use your head at all times!!! Start using some low slices, try to approach the net, hit serves wider, etc. Add variety and never stick with a strategy that has you losing
  7. Use these tips and win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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