Saturday, December 4, 2010

Service Game

The first serve can be someone's biggest weapon making it someone else's worst nightmare! I personally rely on the first serve for a large part of my game since I serve and volley. The first serve can be pound it into the court and it is usually un-returnable, or someone like Patrick Rafter who uses well placed serves to get his opponent off of the court only to come in and volley into an open court. You do not have to be strong or work out to have a big or effective first serve. The service motion is not just your arm strength. The use of your legs, shoulder rotation and stomach muscles all play a large role in the speed of your serve. The choices for those with out the option of a big first serve can be to mix up the 4 types of serves and placement options keeping the opponent guessing what might be coming next. The worst thing you could do when serving, besides double faulting, is make your first serve easily attackable and predictable.

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