Monday, November 29, 2010

Foods To Eat Before And During A Tennis Match

Well first of all eat pasta the night before a match and 2 hours before. Have 2 bananas in your bag at all times there full of potassium. Fish and eggs are full of protein. don't eat all of them eat 2 ounces of each to have a variety of foods. Please stay away from energy gels and caffeine shots. the only kind of energy you want is natural from normal foods. Oyster and Octopus is also a great way to get some energy in your system. If necessary protein powder is not the best but better than nothing.Things that have carbs, electrolytes, and some energy.

Day before: Spaghetti, Roll, Salad

Day of: Sandwich, green beans, apple

Right before: Banana and Gatorade If you have a Question post it in the comments section.
Not just tennis players. but all sports stars eat a lot of carbs especially before they compete, things like potato, pasta, rice contain a lot of carbs so they can work them off and get energy, Pasta is a very common meal to have before a tennis match if your going to eat anything and also a banana.

David Argasinski

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